The Best Treat[ English | Vietnamese ]
God loves you! God loves you so much that He sent His only Son Jesus to be your best friend. "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life" (John 3:16). But more than that, God wants to invite you to be a part of His family, to be one of His own precious children. By sending Jesus to earth God made a way for you to be His child forever! But right now, all of the bad things you have done--your sins--separate you from God. Because God is holy (perfect and totally without sin), He must punish your disobedience against His commands. How can I get rid of my sins? You can't. But God has already done it for you. Jesus died to set you free from sin. He took your punishment in your place, so you didn't have to be punished. And then, three days later, He rose from the grave. Now Jesus is alive in Heaven with God and you can join Him as part of His family. Can Jesus be my best friend? Yes, if you ask Jesus to come into your heart and receive Him as your Lord and Savior, He will take away your sin, and you will be God's child forever. Invite Jesus to come live in your heart today. To ask Jesus into your heart pray something like this: "Dear Jesus, I am sorry for all of the bad things (sins) that I have done. Thank You for dying for me so that I can live with You in Heaven forever. I want You to come and live in my heart. I want You to be my best friend." Enjoy the best treat of all--Jesus Christ!
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