Celebrate Easter[English | Vietnamese ]
All those things are fun, but do you know why we celebrate Easter? At Easter we celebrate the day Jesus rose from the dead. Do you know who Jesus is? He is God's Son. God sent Him to earth to save us from our sins (the bad things we do). The Bible says that every person in the whole world has sinned and deserves to be punished. But God loves us so much that He gave us His Son Jesus to be punished in our place. Jesus had to die on a cross. But three days later, He came to life again! Jesus is even more powerful than death! If you believe that Jesus died to take away your sins, then rose again to life, you can spend forever in Heaven with God. Just say to God with all your heart, "Dear God, I am sorry for my sins. Thank You for sending Jesus to die on the cross, then raising Him to life again to take away my sins. I ask You to come into my life and help me live for You. Amen."
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