Come to the LightTed Griffin[ English | Vietnamese ]
Full Text: All who have enjoyed reading or watching the classic story of Les Misérables probably remember the touching scene when Jean Valjean goes to retrieve little Cosette from the unscrupulous innkeepers. The tiny girl has been sent out to a distant well long after dark to fetch a pail of water. Terrified, she slowly makes her way, sure some evil monster is about to jump out of the shadows and grab her. Instead, Jean Valjean approaches her slowly, speaks with her gently, and kindly takes her hand and leads her back to the inn as he carries the bucket of water in his other hand. Darkness is never as frightening when someone we love and trust is there with us, especially if it's someone much stronger and braver than we. All of us are like little Cosette in this dark world. No matter how much we try to hide our fears, we sometimes find the confusion, uncertainty, and threats of life too much for us. Financial worries, serious illness, the rejection of family or friends, omens of terrorist attacks, possible (or actual) unemployment, danger on the streets and highways, and eventually death itself-none of us lives on a primrose path. We all face "many dangers, toils and snares," as the old hymn "Amazing Grace" says. And worse yet, each of us has to deal with the consequences, now and in eternity, of our own sin. If only we had someone to hold our hand, so to speak, someone to guide us through the perplexities and perils of life on Planet Earth, someone courageous enough and wise enough and loving enough to be our guide and friend. The good news is, there is One who is willing to be all that and more-Jesus Christ, the Son of God, Himself. Jesus called Himself "the light of the world" and said that He wants to take us out of the kingdom of darkness and bring us into His kingdom of light (John 8:12). In other words, He knows we are in the darkness-we're confused, afraid, unsure of ourselves, and burdened by the guilt of our own sins against God. But He offers us an alternative-a life of confidence, purpose, and total forgiveness-cleansing from all our sins. And the fact is, He-and only He-is "the light of the world." No one else can do this for us. Whether you have not yet come to know Christ or whether you have known Him for some time, you need His light in your life. To turn down or ignore His offer would be tragic for you and those around you. Consider what He can do in your life: Second Corinthians 4:4-6 states, "The god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. . . . For God, who said, 'Let light shine out of darkness,' has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ." Luke 1:79 tells us that Jesus came to earth "to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace." In John 12:46 Jesus says, "I have come into the world as light, so that whoever believes in me may not remain in darkness." And we learn from Acts 26:18 that God wants us to "turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God, that [we] may receive forgiveness of sins." Are you tired of being in the dark? Are you ready to come to the light of Jesus Christ, who died on the cross, bearing the penalty of your sins, then rose to life again so you can have the assurance of forgiveness and eternal love and a home with Him forever? If you are a believer but have strayed from God's path for your life, won't you confess your sins and come back to Christ today? If you have never asked Christ into your life, but you are ready to leave the darkness behind and come into His light, won't you pray to Him right now? You can say something like this: Lord, I know I have been living my life in the darkness-the darkness of confusion, of doubt, and even of chosen sin against You. But I want to live from now on in Your light. Please forgive me for all my disobedience and sin. Please replace the darkness in my life and in my heart with the light of Your love. I now surrender to You and ask Your Son, Jesus Christ, to be my Savior and Lord. Turning away from my sin, I give myself wholly to You. Please help me walk in the light as You are in the light, this day and forever. "Jesus spoke to them, saying, 'I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life'" (John 8:12).
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