An Easter Gift for Jennie[ English | Vietnamese ] The story was about someone who died a long time ago. But three days later He came back to life! Jennie wondered how anyone could come back to life after he had died. This must be a very special person. So she listened carefully. The teacher showed the children a picture of a cross. She said that someone named Jesus had died on that cross. With nails in his hands and feet and a spear wound in His side. She said that this was a very special person, just like Jennie had thought. In fact He was God, and He came to die for us. God the Father sent Jesus Christ to die for us because we all have disobeyed God and sinned against Him. It was because God loved us and wanted us to be part of His family that He sent His son Jesus to die for us.But three days after Jesus died, a wonderful thing happened--Jesus Christ came back to life on a Sunday morning! So this is why we have Easter, Jennie thought. Since Jesus was God Himself, the teacher explained, His life was worth more than anything in all the world. Far more than even a trillion dollars! He was the only one who could take away our sins, so that we could have a new life right now and live forever with Him in Heaven. Jennie smoothed the wrinkles in her new dress and looked down at her new shoes. She was all new on the outside, but the teacher was explaining that she really needed a new heart that was cleansed from sin. If we tell Jesus we want Him to take away our sins, He will give us a new life starting right now. As Jennie and her brother walked home with her mom and dad, she thought about what she had learned... So that's what Easter really means! It isn't new clothes, colored eggs, and make-believe bunnies. It's all about what Jesus did for me. In her heart Jennie said, "Thank You, Jesus, for dying for my sin. Thank You for making a home for me in Heaven. Thank You that You came back to life to save me from sin." Jesus wants you and me to have a new life too. The Bible says, "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life" (John 3:16).
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