Taste & See[ English | Vietnamese ]
But have you ever tasted His love? Evidence of God's love is all around you--the beauty of a sunset...the kindness of a friend...the very breath you breathe--all are expressions of love from your Creator to you. Despite what some people say, God didn't just wind up the universe and leave it to slowly unwind. He is very much alive today drawing us by His love back to Himself. His love is so great that it can bridge the gap that separates us from Him. "God demonstrates His own love for us, "wrote a man who knew God well: "While we were still sinners, Christ died for us!" (Romans 5:8). That's love! The writer went on: "By His death (Christ's) we are put right with God" (Romans 5:10). The love shown in Jesus' death for sinners is the love we all need more than any other love. And the experience of being "put right" with the God we've shunned--that's the benefit we all need more than any other. Peace with God, so necessary in both this life and the next, is God's great gift to each person who simply, penitently seeks it through the Christ who shed His blood for us and rose to conquer sin and death. Many people merely know something about that love; they have yet to taste it through personal response. If you have never responded to God's love gift you can today:
You can pray something like this: "Lord, thank You that You loved me so much that You sent Your Son to die for me. I know that without Him I would be separated from Your love forever. I invite Him into my life as my Savior and my Lord." Once you have invited Christ into your life, you've just begun to taste God's goodness and love. Write to us at the address below and we'll be glad to send you free literature on the Christian life.
© 2002 Good News Publishers. Used by permission.