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The Shepherd Boy and The Giant Man

I Samuel 17

Once upon the time, at Bethlehem, Palestine, there was a family that had eight children. The youngest was named David. David's older brothers had grown up, some of them were fighting in the battle-field. One day, David's father came to him and said: "David, tomorrow, you bring some food to the battle-field for your brothers and see how your brothers are doing."

At that time, Saul was the king of Israel. He had to take his soldiers to fight with Philistines. The Philistines lived near Israelites, but they usually came over to harass. Every time they came over, they destroyed the farms, villages, and killed innocent people. King Saul was very angry and sent his soldiers to expel them out off Israel. Three brothers of David also went with Saul's soldiers. It's been a long time that David's father hadn't heard any news from his sons; therefore, he sent David to the battle field to find out the news about his brothers.

Obeyed his father, the next morning, David woke up early, brought the food bracket and went on the way to his brother. When he had came to a valley, David heard the shouting sound. When he came near, he saw the soldiers both sides were fighting. David made his way to Israel soldiers and asked about his brothers. While David was talking to the soldiers, there was a giant man Philistines stepped forward. Israelites were panic and ran away. These soldiers told David: "Do you see that giant man? He is Goliath. Every day he comes and challenge our soldiers; he says that whoever is good should fight with him; but nobody dares to fight with him! Whoever can kill him, the king will reward a lots, and also marry the princess."

David didn't pay attention to what these soldiers were telling, so he asked: "What reward should be given to the person who killed this giant man? Who is he that he dares to dishonor God's soldiers? Let me fight with him." Right at this time, David's oldest brother just came. Hearing what David said, he became angry and yelled: "David, why have you come down here? And whom did you leave my sheep in the desert? You came down here only to watch the battle. You are a bad boy!" Poor David, was yelled suddenly, so he perplexedly answered: "No, I haven't done anything; I only asked to know; that's all." And David stepped away to another place. When he met the other soldiers, he asked: "What will be the reward for the person who kill the giant man? Who is he that he dares to dishonor God's soldiers?"

The soldiers knew David wanted to fight with the champion Goliath, so they came to let the king know. Several days now, the giant man provoked and challenged, but Israelites were afraid to fight with him. Now, the king heard there was someone wanted to fight with Goliath, he quickly invited that person to come. When he saw David who was only a little young teenager, the king smiled and shook his head. He said: "You are still too young, and never was a soldier, how can you fight with that giant man. No, that can't be done!" David answered: "Your honor, I will defeat that giant man." King Saul still didn't believe David's words, he said: "No, that can't be done; you are only a child; but that man is an experienced soldier. How can you defeat him." But David answered confidently: " Your honor, I am not afraid of him because the Lord will help me. When I'm taking care of my sheep in the desert; every time a beast came, I kill it right the way. The Lord, who delivered me from those beasts' clutches, will deliver me from the hand of that giant Philistine."

Seeing David decided to fight with Goliath, king Saul gave to David his coat of armor, and His bronze helmet and sword, but the coat of armor was so big and the helmet was so heavy, David didn't feel comfortable with them. David returned the coat of armor to the king; then he took his sling in his hand, hold his staff, chose five smooth stones from the stream, put them in the pouch of his shepherd's bag used everyday. After that, David went up from the stream and was ready to face with the champion Philistine. Goliath saw someone from his enemy's side came to fight with him; he was fiery and ran forward David. King Saul and the whole Israelites were tremble and watching.

Goliath came out, his body was very tall and fierce. He wore a coat of armor of bronze, a bronze helmet, and took a sword and spear. Seeing David was only a young little boy and holding a staff instead of a sword or spear, so the champion laughed at David and said: "Am I a dog, that you come at me with sticks? Come here and I will give your flesh to the birds of the air and the beasts of the field." No matter how the champion scared him, David was not afraid of him. David answered: "You come against me with sword and spear, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. Today the Lord will hand you over to me."

As the champion moved closer to attack him, David ran quickly toward the Philistine battle line to meet him. Reaching into his bag and taking out a stone, he slung it and struck the champion on the forehead. The stone sank into his forehead, and he fell facedown on the ground. Only with the sling, David defeated the champion Goliath quickly. When Philistines saw their hero was dead, they turned and ran every where. Israelites shout and pursued the Philistines out off Israel.

Because of his courage and faith to God, David helped Israelites to win gloriously. After that, David was chosen by God to be the king, who reigned Israel for forty years.


  1. Why did Israelites and Philistines fight?
  2. Who was the leader of Philistines?
  3. What did David use to defeat Goliath?
  4. Who did David ask for help to win?

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Written by Minh Nguyen
Translated by Ngo Ngoc Di

© 2002 Vietnamese Christian Broadcast and its Audio Content Provider. Used With Permission.