The LighthouseLindsay Terry[ English | Vietnamese ]
Sail on! sail on, ye stately ships! On many a dark, foreboding night, ships laden with costly cargo and hundreds of passengers and crew have been ripped apart on the jagged rocks near otherwise safe harbors. The absence of lighthouses made reaching port a treacherous effort. As a result, thousands of unique lighthouses have been constructed around the world. Lighthouse HistoryThe first lights to guide seafarers were simple bonfires built on hilltops. The first structure was built on Pharos Island at the end of the harbor near Alexandria, Egypt. It was completed in 280 B.C., after 20 years of building. Fires burned atop the 400 foot high Pharos Light, fueled by resinous wood or oil. Metal mirrors reflected the flames and cast a beam that could be seen for 30 miles out to sea. The Pharos Light has been numbered among the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. The most famous of all lighthouses, Eddystone Rock Light, stands 120 feet high near the harbor of Plymouth, England. Originally constructed in 1696 on a jagged reef in the English Channel, the Eddystone Rock Light has been rebuilt three times, the last time in 1878. The first American lighthouse was built on Little Brewster Island, providing direction for ships entering Boston Harbor. First lit in 1716, this 89 foot high light is presently visible for 27 miles. It is the last remaining manned light in the United States. Lighthouse Facts
Guide Me to a Safe Harbor!The fear of uncertain and foreboding seas on a dark night is only relieved by the reassuring beam of a stalwart lighthouse. For centuries seafarers have welcomed the assurance afforded by these great lights, leading them to safe harbors and rest. Today, like seafarers of the past, countless people find themselves on the very dark and troubled "sea of life," desperately longing and searching for a harbor of safety. Well, today there is good news for all of them. You see, Jesus said, "I am the light of the world: he that followeth Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life" (John 8:12). He also tells us in the Bible just how we may come to Him and secure that life in Him, the true Light. 1. Admit that we need the true Light. 2. Realize the penalty for rejecting the Light. 3. Believe that Christ, in His death on the cross, made the Light
available to you. 4. Personally receive the Light. Just say this to Him with your whole heart: Dear God, thank You for sending Your Son to die on the cross for me. I
receive Him as my Lord and Savior right now. I put my life and my trust in Him.
I confess my sins and ask Your forgiveness. Thank You for being the true
Lighthouse that I needed so desperately. Help me to live for You the rest of my
life. Amen.
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