Rejoice, Christ Lives!Clyde Dennis[ Chinese | English | Vietnamese ]
Full Text: Rejoice, Christ Lives! And because He lives, that makes all the difference in the world. We can face tomorrow unafraid. The risen Christ has gone before us. He holds our future securely in his nail-scarred hands. If His body had remained in the tomb, we would have no hope beyond the grave. Death would always cast a long, ugly shadow on all of life. But Christ has conquered death. Now death is no longer the final end... it is a door to everlasting life. He has promised: "I am the resurrection and the life; He who believeth in Me, though He dies, yet, shall He live... because I live you shall live also" (John 11:25; 14:19). We can confidently face the problems of this life, and even death itself, with faith in the risen Lord. Do you have this hope of eternal life? You can be sure of your relationship with Jesus Christ by taking the following steps:
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