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Christmas Music:
  1. Away in a Manger
  2. Hark! the Herald Angels Sing
  3. Silent Night
  4. O Little Town of Bethlehem
  5. Angels We Have Heard on High
  6. What Child Is This
  7. Once in Royal David's City
  8. O Come O Ye Faithful
  9. Lo! How a Rose E'er Blooming
  10. Come! Thou Long-Expected Jesus
  11. Emmanuel
  12. O Come O Come Emmanuel
Instrumental Music:
  1. All the Way My Savior Leads Me
  2. Amazing Grace
  3. As The Deer
  4. Be Still My Soul
  5. Come and See
  6. Fairest Lord Jesus
  7. God Will Take Care of You
  8. He is Exalted
  9. Holy Communion
  10. I Know Who Holds Tomorrow
  11. I Surrender All
  12. In His Time | In His Time
  13. It Is Well with My Soul
  14. Jehovah Is Love
  15. Leaning on the Everlasting Arms
  16. Listen Quietly
  17. My Life is in You, Lord
  18. My Lord, I Worship You
  19. My Peace
  20. O Sacred Head Now Wounded
  21. Seekers of Your Heart
  22. Shine Jesus Shine
  23. Spirit Song
  24. These Things Are True of You
  25. 'Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus
  26. Trust and Obey
  27. What a Friend We Have in Jesus, More about the song
