Easter Is a Happy Time![English | Vietnamese ]
But no matter how many good things Jesus did, some people didn't like him. Some of those bad guys had him arrested and put to death on a cruel cross. It was the saddest day ever for those who loved Jesus. They couldn't believe that the man who could do anything wasn't able to save himself. They didn't know that Jesus came to earth to die on that cross… on purpose! Jesus knows that every man, woman, boy, and girl does wrong things. In his book, the Bible, God calls that wrong stuff "sin." We can't do enough good things to make up for all the bad things we do. That's why God sent his only Son Jesus to be born as a baby. Jesus lived on earth for 33 years and never sinned. So why did he allow himself to be put to death on a cross? Because he loved us so much! He took our place on purpose and chose to be punished for all the sins we have ever done or will do. He died for us! Can you go to a graveyard to see where Jesus is buried? No, because Jesus didn't stay dead! Three days later he came back to life! This is called "the resurrection." When he came back to life it proved that he was God's Son and that he had paid for our sins. Before Jesus went back home to heaven, he met with over 500 people who knew him best. How happy they were to see him alive again! Because Jesus died for us and came back to life, God makes this great offer: If you truly believe that Jesus died for your sins and rose again, then God will forgive your sins and give you life that lasts forever! Jesus promised that those who believe that he did this for them will live with him in heaven someday. Lots of fun things make "Easter" a happy time. But what puts the most happiness in Easter is this-Jesus died for you and came back to life! If you believe with all your heart that God sent Jesus to die for you and you want Jesus to forgive your sins, you can tell God with a prayer like this: "Dear God, I believe that Jesus had to die because of my sins, and I'm trusting you to forgive my sins. I want to live in heaven with you forever. Thank you!"
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