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Psalms 97


1 Jehovah reigneth; let the earth rejoice; Let the multitude of isles be glad. 2 Clouds and darkness are round about him: Righteousness and justice are the foundation of his throne. 3 A fire goeth before him, And burneth up his adversaries round about. 4 His lightnings lightened the world: The earth saw, and trembled. 5 The mountains melted like wax at the presence of Jehovah, At the presence of the Lord of the whole earth. 6 The heavens declare his righteousness, And all the peoples have seen his glory. 7 Let all them be put to shame that serve graven images, That boast themselves of idols: Worship him, all ye gods. 8 Zion heard and was glad, And the daughters of Judah rejoiced, Because of thy judgments, O Jehovah. 9 For thou, Jehovah, art most high above all the earth: Thou art exalted far above all gods. 10 O ye that love Jehovah, hate evil: He preserveth the souls of his saints; He delivereth them out of the hand of the wicked. 11 Light is sown for the righteous, And gladness for the upright in heart. 12 Be glad in Jehovah, ye righteous; And give thanks to his holy memorial [name]. Psalm 98 A Psalm.


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