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No.NameLast ViewedVisits
110 Disciplines of a Godly Man3/29/2025 3:37:5310180
210 Disciplines of a Godly Woman3/29/2025 4:58:5116845
3A Call to Thanksgiving3/28/2025 4:36:575114
4A Christmas Letter3/27/2025 12:37:235204
5A Christmas Message3/29/2025 4:59:245240
6A Christmas Prayer3/29/2025 6:32:2814655
7A Father's Love3/29/2025 0:37:78824
8A Father's Love0
9A Heart Like a Garden3/29/2025 1:10:325467
10A Mother's Love3/29/2025 4:59:295137
11A Prayer for Thanksgiving3/28/2025 2:23:1123687
12A Reason for Hope3/28/2025 7:33:385702
13A Season of Thanksgiving3/29/2025 6:18:448800
14A Simple Outline of God's Way of Salvation0
15A Soldier's Journey of Faith: Major General David H. Hicks, Army Chief of Chaplains3/27/2025 21:57:128489
16A Time for Everything3/27/2025 15:18:503304
17A Valentine for You3/29/2025 2:58:94577
18A Valentine Secret!3/27/2025 8:54:64104
19A Visit from Heaven3/29/2025 5:5:544504
20AIDS: Consider the Big Picture3/23/2025 15:35:153756
21Amazing Grace3/27/2025 11:48:566782
22Amazing Love!3/28/2025 20:31:434119
23An Easter Gift for Jennie3/28/2025 2:36:314022
24And God Made You Too!3/26/2025 10:25:264402
25Are You Ready3/29/2025 5:0:554139
26Beyond Today3/29/2025 5:8:223790
27Bible Basics for New Believers3/28/2025 19:51:468087
28Birthday Fun Bash3/29/2025 5:3:233888
29Born Again3/29/2025 4:59:374077
30Called to be Mothers3/28/2025 7:0:112105
31Can I Be Forgiven?3/28/2025 10:23:06596
32Can Prayer Save America?3/28/2025 10:6:446227
33Carlos Beltran: Dreaming Big!3/29/2025 5:1:105350
34Cassie Bernall: She Said Yes3/28/2025 16:5:299712
35Celebrate Easter3/28/2025 11:6:524134
36Celebrate Your Birthday!3/27/2025 12:8:158247
37Celebrating Easter in the End Times3/28/2025 2:36:335293
38Christmas Blessings to You3/28/2025 14:23:374496
39Come To The Light3/27/2025 18:32:504148
40Comfort From the Bible3/25/2025 6:5:214557
41Creator: Faith or Fiction?3/28/2025 9:55:384241
42Dad, We Really Need You3/27/2025 2:39:534885
43Danny Wuerffel: There's More to Life3/28/2025 21:48:35508
44Darrell Green: Life in the Fast Lane3/28/2025 23:57:458093
45David Robinson: Living The Dream3/28/2025 23:47:306721
46Dear Graduate3/24/2025 10:38:14151
47Deion Sanders: Chasing the Wind3/29/2025 5:1:5911459
48Dinosaur Fun Park3/28/2025 19:56:344254
49Divorce-Proof Your Marriage3/27/2025 12:54:304906
50Do Good People Go to Heaven?3/28/2025 10:1:125667
51Don't Be Left Behind3/28/2025 10:46:115452
52Don't Give Up on God3/28/2025 8:44:556319
53Easter Is a Happy Time!3/26/2025 9:10:486825
54Easter: The Day that Changed the World3/28/2025 8:5:445033
55Enduring Freedom3/26/2025 3:3:133720
56Eternity3/27/2025 20:21:514512
57Everlasting Joy3/27/2025 1:39:105892
58Face It, It's Empty3/28/2025 13:28:44466
59Famous Last Words3/27/2025 16:41:254570
60Final Call3/27/2025 22:58:385423
61Finding Satisfaction in God3/28/2025 10:23:487176
62Finding Your Way Home3/29/2025 5:2:244843
63For the Long Haul3/27/2025 8:17:24558
64Four Things God Wants You to Know3/26/2025 20:40:44746
65Frogs!3/26/2025 18:38:65951
66God Allows U-Turns3/26/2025 15:57:37171
67God Cares for You!3/29/2025 5:8:94685
68God Knows My Name3/29/2025 5:1:504744
69Good News!3/28/2025 17:33:433875
70Halloween: Trick or Truth?3/28/2025 22:44:174252
71Happy Birthday3/29/2025 6:5:523271
72Happy New Year!3/27/2025 10:43:435059
73Have You Been Born Again?: What the Bible Really TeachesÂ…3/29/2025 6:23:2210523
74He Arose!3/26/2025 12:51:586123
75He Did This Just For You3/27/2025 11:55:104509
76He is Alive!3/27/2025 1:48:304048
77Heaven3/25/2025 16:29:44611
78Hope for a New Year3/29/2025 5:8:55390
79How Many Days Till Christmas?3/29/2025 3:50:122170
80How to Become a Christian3/26/2025 6:38:283726
81How to Grow in the Christian Life3/27/2025 14:11:195794
82How to Have a Happy Home3/29/2025 5:1:366359
83How to Know the Will of God3/29/2025 6:43:447244
84How to Practice God's Presence3/29/2025 6:34:278384
85How to Share Your Faith in Christ3/28/2025 4:24:146119
86How to Talk with God in Prayer3/29/2025 5:6:57937
87How to Use Tracts Effectively3/28/2025 19:52:147333
88I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life3/29/2025 4:58:568648
89I Must Tell You This3/29/2025 5:8:173729
90I'm Still Learning to Forgive3/26/2025 18:1:319045
91Importance of the Resurrection3/28/2025 2:36:435370
92In God We Trust3/28/2025 12:42:53868
93In Search of Truth3/28/2025 16:49:384387
94Is There a God?3/29/2025 5:6:105218
95Jeff Gordon: What Drives Your Life?3/28/2025 5:53:198870
96Jesus Is Alive!3/28/2025 6:52:264282
97Keep Hope Alive0
98Kids, You Are Special3/26/2025 12:55:584084
99Kurt Warner: First Things First3/28/2025 2:9:316532
100Let's Be Thankful3/27/2025 2:45:394902
101Let's Roll!: Ordinary People, Extraordinary Courage3/28/2025 5:4:327370
102Living with Hope - No Matter What Life Throws at You0
103Love for a Lifetime3/27/2025 23:51:154534
104Love IsÂ…3/29/2025 5:1:308452
105Love Languages3/28/2025 4:48:267799
106Love Worth Finding3/29/2025 5:5:364344
107Love: Looking for the Real Thing?3/29/2025 0:39:304411
108Love's Greatest Triumph3/29/2025 4:39:336427
109Meet My Friend3/25/2025 22:27:203136
110Michael Chang: The Ultimate Victory3/28/2025 9:42:406760
111Michelle Akers: Eyes on the Prize3/28/2025 16:58:37782
112Mom: There's No Substitute for You0
113More Precious than Gold3/24/2025 11:5:323548
114More Than a Carpenter3/28/2025 21:19:445455
115More to Life?3/29/2025 6:31:84756
116Most of All, Jesus Loves You!3/27/2025 11:55:565426
117New Year's Resolutions3/28/2025 9:2:206250
118No Greater Love: The Story of Kim and Krickitt Carpenter3/29/2025 4:58:4510995
119No One Accepts Me3/26/2025 14:16:225789
120One Nation Under God3/27/2025 21:58:224183
121One Solitary Life3/25/2025 16:31:364828
122Orel Hershiser: All I Ever Wanted3/29/2025 2:40:211605
123Our God is Awesome!3/27/2025 14:24:143961
124Payne Stewart: A Changed Heart3/29/2025 6:21:4622097
125Peace in the Middle East3/28/2025 22:55:403815
126Portrait of a Father3/29/2025 5:2:44764
127Portrait of a Mother0
128Praise Him!3/24/2025 8:4:415274
129Prince of Peace3/28/2025 4:23:39006
130Promises for Fathers3/29/2025 0:23:346793
131Promises for Mothers3/28/2025 5:54:472152
132Promises for Soldiers3/27/2025 23:47:573710
133Promises for Students3/26/2025 5:15:257285
134Quest for Joy3/29/2025 4:59:434867
135Rejoice, Christ Lives!3/28/2025 8:56:106518
136Religious But Not Right with God3/24/2025 11:38:104471
137Ride to Freedom3/27/2025 5:19:583868
138Ruthie Bolton-Holifield: Lessons for Life3/28/2025 21:19:567170
139Say Yes To Life3/26/2025 14:48:33583
140Set Free3/29/2025 5:5:593550
141Someone Cares3/29/2025 5:3:563885
142Take A Tip3/29/2025 5:2:93222
143Taste & See3/29/2025 5:53:503769
144Thank You3/25/2025 16:43:152927
145Thanksgiving Memories3/28/2025 20:42:224955
146The Amazing Butterfly3/25/2025 23:42:425711
147The Amazing Starfish3/28/2025 9:49:3110649
148The Beginning of the End3/29/2025 4:59:335135
149The Best Father Ever3/28/2025 9:55:177614
150The Best Treat3/29/2025 4:59:523655
151The Boy Who Lost His Boat3/28/2025 16:41:5619249
152The Cross3/27/2025 12:11:326215
153The Cure3/25/2025 4:34:413568
154The Empty Tomb3/27/2025 9:9:514500
155The Flag I Love3/27/2025 9:52:263442
156The Gift3/29/2025 5:0:254519
157The God You Can Know3/28/2025 10:0:364119
158The Good News of Christmas3/29/2025 5:5:194688
159The Good News of Easter3/29/2025 5:1:03955
160The Hidden Treat3/28/2025 9:22:373397
161The Incomparable Christ3/29/2025 5:3:423925
162The Legacy of the Star-Spangled Banner3/28/2025 16:58:386759
163The Legend of St. Valentine3/26/2025 6:4:147989
164The Light of Christmas3/25/2025 13:51:404945
165The Lighthouse3/29/2025 5:0:216311
166The Little Snowflake3/26/2025 2:13:159550
167The Lord Is My Shepherd3/27/2025 11:35:86311
168The Matchless Pearl3/27/2025 12:5:464596
169The Meaning of Easter3/28/2025 5:21:4210980
170The Miracle of Christmas3/29/2025 5:0:334586
171The Most Amazing Gift3/29/2025 4:3:365303
172The Most Important Choice You'll Ever Make3/25/2025 15:17:204517
173The Passion of Jesus Christ3/29/2025 5:3:410414
174The Prayer of Jesus3/24/2025 11:21:477236
175The Promise of Christmas3/28/2025 5:6:109555
176The Promise of Heaven3/25/2025 13:38:138334
177The Spirit of Christmas3/29/2025 5:2:385119
178The Steps to Heaven0
179The Story of Handel's Messiah3/28/2025 9:50:519454
180The Story of Silent Night3/27/2025 11:36:327182
181The Story of St. Nicholas3/24/2025 16:4:216883
182The Touch of the Master's Hand0
183The True Meaning of Christmas3/29/2025 3:18:269399
184The Way to God3/29/2025 6:56:103026
185The Wonder of Christmas3/26/2025 6:4:14510
186Think of Your Heavenly Father Speaking to You3/27/2025 2:4:104104
187Thomas Kinkade, Painter of Light3/27/2025 12:10:259431
188Through the Flames: The Willis Family Story3/29/2025 6:14:354889
189Tom Landry: A Tribute to America's Coach3/27/2025 6:4:437802
190Tomorrow May Be Too Late3/29/2025 5:3:124324
191Tomorrow May Be Too Late!3/28/2025 8:46:488918
192Trick or Treat3/24/2025 15:42:74143
193Under Attack3/28/2025 9:24:443581
194What a Friend We Have in Jesus3/27/2025 10:20:509108
195What Do You Want For Christmas3/28/2025 14:17:453982
196What If . . .3/28/2025 9:46:533337
197What Is a Mother?3/24/2025 12:12:455602
198What's in Your Bag?3/23/2025 15:36:464314
199When I Think of Heaven3/28/2025 9:19:524625
200Where Are You Going?3/28/2025 4:1:456650
201Where to Look in the Bible3/25/2025 6:12:255510
202Where Will You Spend Eternity?3/26/2025 5:55:45093
203Which Church Saves?3/28/2025 18:15:344133
204Who Can Be Sure of Heaven?3/23/2025 15:35:463949
205Who Is This Jesus?3/29/2025 5:5:484513
206Why3/26/2025 1:38:486440
207Why Did This Happen to Me?3/25/2025 2:18:73676
208Why Does God Allow War?3/29/2025 5:28:426571
209Why Should I Go to Church?3/27/2025 20:31:286030
210Wicca: Right or Wrong?3/28/2025 9:21:475682
211Will I See You at the Top?3/27/2025 11:29:266025
212Will You Be a Survivor?3/29/2025 4:19:93795
213Winning the Race3/23/2025 20:30:43216
214Words of Comfort3/29/2025 4:58:404899
215You Are Precious in His Sight3/29/2025 3:49:216164
216You Are Someone Special3/27/2025 3:47:186104
217You Can Be Guilt Free3/28/2025 19:34:165256
218You Can Have Peace of Mind3/25/2025 2:18:74969
219Your Disaster Checklist3/27/2025 10:16:463797
220Your First Nine Months3/27/2025 18:33:303571
221You're Invited3/29/2025 5:2:423492
222You're One-of-a-Kind3/28/2025 16:53:243987
223You're Special3/27/2025 16:49:24221

Receive Christ Prayer:

Lord, thank you for loving me and coming to earth to show us the way. I believe you died to pay for my sin and You were raised from the dead to give me eternal life. I want to turn from my sin and place my faith in You right now. Please come into my life and be my Savior and Lord. Show me how to live and help me to follow you always. In Your name I pray. Amen.

If you have any additional questions, please contact us.

English tract and image links courtesy of Good News Publishers, United Church of God and American Tract Society
